Utilizing robotics to improve Australia’s modern manufacturing capabilities

The manufacturing and robotics industries have a history of prioritizing innovation for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Industrial robots were first introduced at General Motors in 1961. Today, the manufacturing sector serves as a testing ground for new robotics and automation systems, benefiting from the integration of automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The 2023 Modern Manufacturing Expo, held in Sydney, will feature the Robotics Australia Group as a Supporting Partner. This partnership aims to foster collaboration between industry, research, government, start-ups, investment, and education to develop a robust and world-class robotics ecosystem in Australia.
In 2022, the Robotics Australia Group released a Robotics Roadmap for Australia publication, highlighting the role of robotics in various industries, including manufacturing. The roadmap aims to raise the profile of robotics in Australia and identify opportunities and challenges for its development. The increased adoption of robotic technologies is seen as a potential solution to the challenges faced by the manufacturing sector, including reshoring manufacturing and strengthening Australia's sovereign capabilities. These topics will be prominent in discussions at the Modern Manufacturing Expo in September 2023.
Australia's manufacturing sector has been slow in adopting robotics compared to other developed countries. The country does not produce its own industrial robots, and the number of installed robots has actually decreased by 14% since 2014, while globally, there has been a 60% increase. Consequently, Australia's ranking in robot density in the manufacturing industry has dropped from 18th to 35th out of 37 countries.
One contributing factor to the low robot population density is the lack of adoption by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) due to the unsuitability or high cost of large-scale automation solutions. To address this issue, the Expo aims to connect manufacturers with industry advocacy groups like Robotics Australia Group and make them aware of resources and financial grants available through government-backed schemes, such as the National Reconstruction Fund, which supports increasing the uptake of robotics in Australia.
The Roadmap suggests that robotics can act as a force multiplier in manufacturing, augmenting human capabilities while reducing exposure to dangerous tasks. To achieve this, the Roadmap outlines five-year goals, including educating local suppliers in robotics, enhancing automation simulation capabilities, developing more capable collaborative robots (cobots), and designing a cost-effective "skill-multiplying" robot using sustainable technologies.
The ultimate aim is to develop intelligent robotic systems that can adapt quickly to changing demands and product lines, thereby reducing Australia's reliance on global supply chains and overcoming skilled labor shortages in the manufacturing industry. The hope is that the 2023 Modern Manufacturing Expo, in partnership with Robotics Australia Group, will foster thought-provoking discussions and innovative solutions to drive progress in this direction.
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