Mandatory registration introduced for Engineers


Mandatory registration introduced for Engineers



NSW and Victoria announced the mandatory registration for professional engineers, according to Engineers Australia (EA). 


Engineers Australia is the peak body recognising Engineers in Australia. EA is an accredited skills assessment body for international Engineers wishing to migrate to Australia. It provides the skills assessment process for professional engineers, engineering technologists, engineering technicians and Associate Engineers. It's long been discussed to make the profession more accountable and professional.


The purpose of the registration scheme is to raise the professional standards of the engineers in the mentioned States and enhanced consumer confidence and trust through proper qualifying. It also serves as a mechanism for investigating substandard operations and sanctioning or delicensing registered engineers. 


Below are the details for mandatory registration in NSW and VIC: 



1. Registration requirements in NSW apply to electrical, civil, geotechnical, structural, fire safety or mechanical engineers who are working on a building with a Class 2 component (multi-storey residential buildings)

2. There are three proposed assessment pathways for registration:


Pathway 1 

If you have a Washington Accord Degree, the NSW Government assesses the qualifications and experience. If you've got a pre-1989 degree, the Government is accepting assessments by Engineers Australia. 

It is a requirement in NSW for engineers to have at least two years of Australian experience or more than five years of relevant international experience. The latter needs an assessment from Engineers Australia. 


Pathway 2

A professional body undertakes assessments on behalf of the state. 


Pathway 3

Applicable to engineers who are members of the Professional Standards Scheme 




1. Registration applies to fire safety, civil, structural, electrical and mechanical engineering

2. Registration requires an assessment of eligibility. Engineers Australia can perform the evaluation. 

3. If you're a Chartered engineer, Engineers Australia can provide the applicant with the eligibility letter, and there's no requirement to undergo another evaluation. The eligibility letter is then used to apply to the relevant government agency. 

4. If you're a member of Engineers Australia and a Chartered Engineer, assessment is free, but there is a registration fee


For more details, visit Engineers Australia




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